
The gist of it.

1 minute read

There are 6 libraries as of right now:

  • MathUtils: have all the maths utilities specific to lcg shortcutting and Minecraft world gen.
  • SeedUtils: have all the seed utilities to use correctly the Java Random LCG.
  • FeatureUtils: have all the Minecraft features for most of the versions allowing easier access to them.
  • BiomeUtils: have all the biome generation for all the dimension of Minecraft, so you can generate it.
  • ChunkRandomReversal: have all the utilities to reverse the hash that are applied in Minecraft code to the world seed.
  • LattiCG: is a fork of the reversal program use for shortcutting the Java Random LCG.

The next few subsections will be about the different part of minecraft world generation, so you are familiar with it.

Before going through it, you might want to watch this to give you a feel of how the generation is subdivided:


The notation used in all next articles

World Generation in a nutshell

The world generation described succinctly


The Java Linear Congruential Generator

Biome generation

How biome generation works

Terrain generation

How terrain generation works.

Structure generation

How structure generation works.

Feature generation

How feature generation works.

Carvers and post processing

How carver generation works

Last modified August 16, 2020: few more concepts (895045e)